


University special design: Specialised design

IPV6 Experiment Report: GDUT IPV6

GDUT matlab digital signal processing experiment report: Matlab Experiment Report

The latest operating system experiment and course design report: OS Experiment Report

Virtualization and Cloud Computing-Hadoop Deployment Experiment Report: Hadoop Report

GDUT C language programming experiment report 1-4: C language programming experiment report

Summary of Physics Data of GDUT : Physics

GDUT DEA experiment + big assessment (source code, waveform diagram) + test paper information:EDA

Data summary of GDUT Electrician:University Electrician

Summary of GDUT Discrete Digital Data:University Discrete Mathematics

GDUT data structure experiment + data:GDUT Data Structure Experiment

The latest Guanggong JAVA big homework (source code + report):JAVA course design

University network security final review materials:cyber security

Probability Theory Review Materials (GPA 4.5):Probability Theory Review Materials

Computer Network Review Materials:computer network information

Answers to the exercises on the principles of GDUT Communication:Summary of Communication Principles

Software Engineering Review Summary:University Software Engineering Materials

University Database Exam Materials:Database GPA 4.8 Notes

Review Summary of Compilation Principles:Review Summary of Compilation Principles

2022 Summary of Short Answers on Basic Principles of Marxism (GDUT):Ma Yuan 93 points notes

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